FREE for you
Use this 15 min Chakradance dance daily practice for the soul to reconnect with your true selves & inner essence, to tap in to that deeper part of yourselve - to listen, and respond.
Chakradance “Freedom” 15-min daily ritual, to maintain the health and balance of your chakra system
Receive your Chakradance Freedom daily ritual gift, to use at home as a regular practice to keep your chakra system in good health and balance.
Keep yourself balanced and healthy!

Participants talk about ChakradanceTM:
Veronika, Chakradance with you was an incredible experience for me, for which I am grateful that I had the opportunity. I did not expect it to be so relaxing, soothing and aware. A completely different therapy, modality from what I know, and for me it is the best. In fact, you guided me through Chakradance so beautifully. Music is amazing. And your autenthic unique guidence and pleasant voice, was perfect. Above all, you exude an incredibly positive energy. It opened my eyes, which is wonderful. And that's why I happily recommend this experience. You are really amazing at this, thank you for a great experience. I look forward to next time.
Attending Veronika's Chakradance class was a transformative experience for me. When I arrived, I was dealing with a lot of anger and emotional turmoil. However, Veronika's energy was both grounding and uplifting, creating a safe and welcoming space for all participants. The session began with a meditation that helped me start to feel more centered. The dance that followed was incredibly powerful, allowing me to release a significant amount of pain and anger. It was a cathartic experience that brought me to tears, but in a way that felt healing and liberating. After the dance, we sat down to create mandalas with the materials Veronika had thoughtfully prepared. This creative activity opened up something inside me and contributed further to my sense of release and balance. Veronika is a wonderful facilitator, and her Chakradance class is a unique and profoundly healing experience. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to reconnect with themselves and find a path to emotional wellness.
Chakradance showed me an other options for taking care of my well-being. It gave me peace, relaxation, energy and awareness. After the class and for a long time afterwards, I felt more calm and grateful. And Chakradance with you, Veronika? I liked the way you guided us through the whole process. I knew from the beginning what would happen and what would follow. And that gave me a sense of confidence and the fear of the unknown also subsided. At the same time, Veronika, you have a very pleasant voice that can draw you in. You approach the whole ritual very sensitively, discreetly and empathetically. Thank you for a wonderful experience. It was something completely new for me and if I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed how beautiful an experience it can be and that my body really tells me what to do...wow
Veru, I am still searching for words to describe the Chakradance experience with you. Your voice that accompanied me the whole time was so kind, full of understanding and energy. The whole time I felt at ease, relaxed, and the feeling of being connected to myself accompanied me for a long time afterwards. You are a great guide. Thank you for the opportunity to drift away.
Chakradance with Veronika was absolutely brilliant. Veronika is a great guide with a very pleasant voice that can calm you down. The whole time I felt very comfortable and relaxed like never before. I was able to perceive myself properly and felt as if everything had fallen away from me (mainly stress). I definitely evaluate this experience only and only positively!!
I have tried Chakradance out of curiosity and I didn't really know what to expect from it. It gave me a lot of energy and awareness. It exceeded my expectations and it is certainly not the last time I went to Chakradance.
Is Chakradance oficially a modality therapy?
YES. Chakradance™ is a movement modality therapy created 25 years ago by Jungian psychotherapist Natalie Southgate from Australia. In that time, Chakradance™ has become very widespread with tousand of professional facilitators in 70 countries around the world. I myself am one of them. Chakradance™ is recommended and endorsed by people such as Dr. Deepak Chopra.
Do I need to have any experience of Chakradance, dance or painting?
No. Chakradance is open to everyone. There is no need for former experience with dancing nor painting. It is enough to be open to positive change in your life.
Can I dance, if I have some health restrictions?
Yes. Chakradance is danced with your eyes closed. You go dee within to your inner wisdom that guides you. That's why you only dance where your body "lets" you. You can dance while sitting or lying down.
I can´t dance, is it worth it?
Absolutely! There is nothing to learn, you don't need to know anything or have any previous dance experience. All you need is an open mind and heart.
I'm pregnant (or postpartum), can it hurt me or the baby?
No, it can not hurt neither of you. On the contrary! Your body will let you move exactly where it's best for you and your baby. I myself danced during pregnancy and the baby was born to Chakradance music. It has helped us both tremendously and the baby has a musical ear and loves to dance.
I'm not comfortable dancing with my eyes closed. What with this?
It does not matter. I myself even use an eye mask, because just closed eyes is not enough for me. But if it's uncomfortable to close your eyes, you can just look down and look at your toes, for example. Closed eyes help to immerse yourself better and tap into your inner wisdom.
I have experienced trauma, I am afraid that I will have to experience it again.
Our body is extremely smart and Chakradance healing therapy is based on Carl Jung psychology, so it is very gentle and safe. Therefore, only what is released and in such a way that is safe for you. I myself have a hugely traumatic childhood, I don't remember anything until I was 7 years old. What I love about Chakradance is that I don't have to analyze, research, solve or experience anything. I will dance and release. And yes, sometimes a memory, an image appears to me, but always only what I can handle at that moment. Sometimes I can't see anything at all, maybe I'm crying and then I feel relaxed and light and the people, situations and circumstances around me change instantly.